just settle the matter: God is good. OK? Are we good on that?
Jesus is the perfect representation of the Father, and he never gave anybody
sickness, never broke anybody’s leg, never killed anybody. He got angry, yes,
particularly when religious people put obstacles in front of others coming to
know God, but he never brought disaster, never encouraged disaster, never
taught his kids that disaster is good, never looked the other way when somebody
did bad things.
is good.
(or at least inconveniently), God’s will is not the only force happening in the
universe. If God was the only one who got to choose, we’d see an entire
universe full of the stuff Jesus did: healing the sick, raising the dead,
deliverance from demons, teaching how good God is.
that’s not what we see. We see wars, famine, busted relationships, child
prostitution, kids disrespecting parents, all manner of evil.
people have begun with the assumption that God is the only free-willed being in
the universe, and, looking at evil in the world, they accuse him of being
either powerless or evil. You can’t reach a wise conclusion beginning with a
faulty assumption.
The real reason for this mess is love. Real love. Because real love has to be free; it has to be freely chosen.
of the evils we see in this life is people trying to force other people to love
them. Variously expressed as manipulation, self-pity, stalking, control, abuse,
and occasionally murder, it illustrates that love cannot be forced. In order to
really have real love you really need to have real free will. Without free
will, the closest you can get to true love is a sex slave. Not the same thing.
has set up this universe to allow real love relationships between his creation
– you and me – and himself. Which means that God has given us free will. Not
“pseudo free will,” the real thing, absolutely free, dangerously free. We can
choose to love him, but we can choose anything else we want to. We can choose
to hate God, or other people; we can choose to ignore God, or people, or
traffic laws. We can choose to speak only in King James English, or to rub blue
mud into our belly button.
are real consequences to our free-will choices. It may be as simple as ending
up with a belly button that is now stained blue. Or my choices may result in
someone hating me back, beating me up because I didn’t live up to their
expectations of me. Or I may end up in jail simply because I decided that red
traffic lights meant “Go” this week, and crashed into someone who foolishly
thought that my choices were controlled by colored lights. Free choices result
in real consequences.
whole bunch of nasty things in this otherwise lovely planet have come from
people – human beings, made in the image of God – making stupid choices. That’s
a lot of the reason we have slums and wars and corporate greed and manipulative
leaders: people exercising their free will, and nasty consequences resulting.
without that free will, we could never experience love. We couldn’t be loved,
we couldn’t love. So we kinda have to keep the free will thing. Not that we have
the power to change it anyway: this is the way God created the universe; I
can’t overrule his free will, and he won’t overrule mine.
that’s not the end of the matter. There is another free will at play in this
and I – the human species – were not the first beings created with free will.
Apparently long before we were created, an angel decided to depose God and
become God himself instead. When God objected, the rebellious angel started a
war with a third of the angelic host, and was about as effective as a gnat
would be in its attempts to stop a volcanic eruption: not so much.
the rebel Lucifer and a bunch of his friends were chucked out of heaven and
landed where? Yep, here: this planet. Good ol’ Mother Earth. (Bunny trail: I
wonder if that was the “mega asteroid” that destroyed the dinosaurs? Hmmm.)
now we’re inhabitants of a planet with at least two intelligent species with
free wills: humankind and angel-kind. And Lucifer, now going by Satan, has made
“steal, kill and destroy” as his choice. So he steals, kills, and destroys. (We
could get into how he implements that choice, but that’s another conversation.)
a good deal of his efforts are still about gathering a following: he persuaded
1/3 of the angels to follow him, and how he’s persuading human beings to follow
significant difference: humanity was given authority that Lucifer was not:
“Fill the earth and subdue it.” We were given authority on this planet; the
only way the Lucy & Co can get it is to persuade someone with authority to
give it to him. He’s already failed at persuading God, so he goes to work to
persuade man: and when Adam submitted to the Lucifer rather than to God, he
handed his authority over the planet to Lucifer as well.
a long & exciting story, but the conclusion was that Jesus got that
authority back in the cross, and rather than keeping it himself (making all of
creation slaves without free will), he handed it back to us. “All authority in
Heaven & Earth has been given to me. Go therefore….” It’s our planet, and
we have authority here, unless we can be persuaded to make the choice to give
that authority away.
still have our free will, of course: we can choose to eat the apple, to turn
the stone to bread, or we can choose not to. It bothers me how many of my human
brethren have chosen the apple, the bread, over real freedom; it bothers me how
often I’ve chosen them. I’m taking my choices back.
That's a whole lot of free will going on! No wonder so much happens that is not like our good God.
of these days, the rebel Lucifer will experience the consequences of his
free-will choices on this planet. An eyewitness described that event as a “lake of fire.” And anybody
who chooses to follow him will have the privilege of following him there, much
to the grief of the One who made them for love. But free will is really free, absolutely free, dangerously free.
must admit, in some ways, I’m really looking forward to the day that the
fallen-angel-without-authority is removed from free circulation upon my planet
and among my people. I’m sick and tired of his shenanigans: stirring up hate
and murder and destruction, and then blaming it on God; planting hopeless or
accusing thoughts in people’s minds and then accusing them for the thoughts he
planted. I’m tired of smelling his stink on the planet. I look forward to being free from that foul influence.
in my free time (that portion of my time that I can actually make a free-will
choice about; that is: all of my
time!), I’m working to minimize his stench: I’m working to persuade people to
“Step away from the lie” and learn to live loved. I’m working to confront lies
when I see them, and when those who believe them (including myself) will listen
to me. I’m working to put limits on the actions of the fool who wants to steal,
kill and destroy. I’m working to let my loving Creator be seen, be loved, be
followed in my house, in my neighborhood, on my planet. I’m working to enter his
rest, and learn how to better be loved my own self.
I can
’ t change it all. But I can change me, and that will change the people I can touch. I can’t solve the problem, but I don’t do what I can do, I’m letting the problem continue unabated. Not good.
want my planet back!
Care to join me?