In the last
few days, I’ve had interaction with a wide variety of folks:
author who insists that Christians are still obligated to obey the whole law,
and how dare I declare that the Old Covenant is past!!!
folks who are angry at me because I teach that God is good and kind and well-represented in Jesus.
friend who insists that the Resurrection was metaphorical, not literal.
“unbelieving believers” whose whole world view is built on their poverty spirit
and whose theme song seems to be “I can’t! I need someone to do it for me!”
“prophet” who is convinced that his job is pointing out fault in every
congregation he visits (and who never visits a congregation a second time).

I realized, that’s certainly not saying, “They’re the Antichrist!” or even “They’re possessed.”
It’s just acknowledging
that these are some of the ways that an “anti-Christ” spirit works to influence
God’s children. These are some of the accusations that the enemy makes against God, against Jesus, against the Cross.
As I reflected,
the quiet voice continued, “How will you respond to them?” and I knew that my
response must not include anger or rejection or resignation.
There is
one thing that stood out in my heart in response. Sure, I must love them, but
that’s not a real answer. The thing that stood out to me is that I need to be
careful not to change my message in response to them. I must not react to them
in anger, rejection, or resignation; I am not permitted to change my message
because of them.
If I don’t
speak of who God really is in me and to me, then it’s not really my testimony,
it’s just empty words. If I soften the message in order to placate some, or if
I sharpen it to make it hit others harder, then these voices that carry the
echo of the antichrist have shaped my message, my heart. My message would
likely carry further, but it would not carry the truth I want it to.
And then my
voice would also carry a manifestation of the influence of an antichrist
spirit. I’m
thinking that this is not where I want to go. There be dragons down that path.
I'm working on keeping my message true. Your prayers - and your company - are invited.
I'm working on keeping my message true. Your prayers - and your company - are invited.