It had been a really tough night. Only got a few hours sleep, then had a long day, full of physical work. Really tiring.
I found myself whining to myself, “I’m so tired!” as I went back for yet another load.
Then it was as if Father cleared his throat. “Ahem….” My ears perked up.
And I realized what I had just declared about myself. Yikes. I repented.

So I rejected the curse of tiredness. I changed my mind, and I went about my work. I didn't deny pretend I wasn't tired. I just decided that that was not the whole story, not even the important part of the story.
And you know what? The weariness went away. And the discouragement with it went away. And I got a lot more done. I took a break here and there (I don’t always remember to do that), and I realized, “I actually like this work. And I’m getting a lot done! I might not be getting as much done as I would like, but I’m getting a lot accomplished here!”
And I didn’t actually get it all done, but I got enough done, and I’ll have the rest of the week to finish it. But the work I did, I did as a victor, not as a victim. And I accomplished a whole lot more than I would have if I had given into the sense of weariness and quit.
I didn’t stay under that weariness, that discouragement. I just repented, changed my view on the subject, and worked within my limits.