I was thinking about the rules. God didn’t create the
covenant with all the rules. He wanted something much better (Exodus 19:6).
But the people used to slavery rejected that proposal and substituted their own, based on a priesthood and obedience (Exodus 20:19 & Deuteronomy 5:27).
But the people used to slavery rejected that proposal and substituted their own, based on a priesthood and obedience (Exodus 20:19 & Deuteronomy 5:27).
Instead, he was all about “come to me,” “love one another,” “he appointed twelve that they might be with him.” That kind of stuff.
Jesus was all about
relationship (Hebrews 1:2&3). He still is, I think.
I have learned that I have really misunderstood about sin. I think the idea
that God doesn’t want us to sin is solid, but why? Why does God not want us to
sin? I think I’ve had that part wrong.
I grew up thinking that it was because a grumpy God was concerned about the rules and the smite stick. I think I was deceived. Frankly, I think I was deceived by people who didn’t know any better. They had grown up with grumpy god theology, too.
I grew up thinking that it was because a grumpy God was concerned about the rules and the smite stick. I think I was deceived. Frankly, I think I was deceived by people who didn’t know any better. They had grown up with grumpy god theology, too.
Rather, God doesn’t want us to sin because sin breaks
relationship. Sin opens the way for the world, the flesh & the devil to
come between Him and me. It doesn’t really (Romans 8:35), but we think it does,
so we run and hide from God (see Genesis 3:8). And always God comes looking for
Dad doesn’t want anything between us. Even “We want to
sit at your right and left hand” (Matthew 10:37-40) is too much separation for
him. It seems that the Creator of the Universe would rather die than put up
with a damaged relationship with his favorite part of creation.
So he did. It seems he really is that much in love with