Romans 2:4 says, “Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?”
He’s challenging the Roman believers for showing contempt for the riches of God’s kindness, forbearance and patience.
Who are the folks showing contempt for God’s kindness?
Well, this verse indicates part of that: the folks who don’t realize that it’s God’s kindness which leads to repentance. Folks who preach something other than God’s kindness? Yeah. Them.
The context makes it even more clear: those who “pass judgment on someone else” (v1) are the folks he’s addressing.
He’s very specific: “Do you think you will escape God’s judgment?” (v3) That’s pretty strong language there, Paul!

That’s kind of a problem.
You know these people: people who get in your face (in person, or on Facebook) and shout about how others are going to hell for their sin, or how a nation needs to repent in order to escape God’s wrath. There are folks who go around denouncing everybody who believes differently than they do as false.
Unfortunately, a whole lot of this garbage comes from pulpits around the country.
When you see them, first of all, don’t buy the manure that they’re selling. It’s not good for them and it’s SURE not good for you. In fact, if you’re able, don’t even let them spew that garbage on you. Walk away.
But more than that: pity them. Pray for mercy for them. Because the path they’re on is storing up wrath against themselves for the day of God’s wrath.
And most of all, do not go with them. That’s a pretty ugly destination they’re headed to. If they insist on going there, you do NOT need to go with them.
Show them kindness.