We Are Sent.
There’s a big difference between us going out on our own and spreading the Good News of the Kingdom because we like it, and being sent on assignment to to do the very same work.
We’re sent. We're on assignment. Commissioned by Heaven.
Jesus sent us: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” [John 20:21]
Think about that first word, “As” for a minute: This is like what Father has done.
You and I are sent under the same terms and conditions that applied when Father sent Jesus to Earth.
Let that mess with your head for a minute. Jesus was sent as the embodiment of Heaven to extend the Kingdom (“kingship”) of heaven on Earth. Every time Jesus confronted darkness, the Kingdom of Heaven emerged victorious. Every time Jesus met someone sick, he healed them.
OK. That stretches me a fair bit. I’m not just a follower, just a “believer”, just a pew-warmer, just “little ol’ me.” I’m sent to Earth with the same assignment, with the same backing, with the same power that Jesus was sent with.
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Whoa.
Now for the second half:
“Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God….” [John 13:3]
How was Jesus sent from the Father? With all things under his power, knowing he had come from God, knowing he was returning to God.
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” What does this say about how you’re sent?
And of course, the very next thing Jesus did was to wash the boys’ feet. Isn’t that how we’re sent?
We're sent to wash feet in the power of, and as a representative of, the King of Kings. He's washing feet through you and me.
There’s a big difference between us going out on our own and spreading the Good News of the Kingdom because we like it, and being sent on assignment to to do the very same work.

Jesus sent us: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” [John 20:21]
Think about that first word, “As” for a minute: This is like what Father has done.
You and I are sent under the same terms and conditions that applied when Father sent Jesus to Earth.
Let that mess with your head for a minute. Jesus was sent as the embodiment of Heaven to extend the Kingdom (“kingship”) of heaven on Earth. Every time Jesus confronted darkness, the Kingdom of Heaven emerged victorious. Every time Jesus met someone sick, he healed them.
OK. That stretches me a fair bit. I’m not just a follower, just a “believer”, just a pew-warmer, just “little ol’ me.” I’m sent to Earth with the same assignment, with the same backing, with the same power that Jesus was sent with.
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Whoa.
Now for the second half:
“Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God….” [John 13:3]
How was Jesus sent from the Father? With all things under his power, knowing he had come from God, knowing he was returning to God.
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” What does this say about how you’re sent?
And of course, the very next thing Jesus did was to wash the boys’ feet. Isn’t that how we’re sent?
We're sent to wash feet in the power of, and as a representative of, the King of Kings. He's washing feet through you and me.