A Little background:
• The Covid 19 virus is a real virus.
People are dying from it.
• But the virus is being blown way
the heck out of proportion, and most of the deaths attributed to
Covid are actually people who had the virus dying from something
else. (CDC has acknowledged it..)
• A fair number of people are scared
silly of the virus. (This is not a time for judging.)
• There are a few vaccines for the
virus. Except that they’re not vaccines, they’re “experimental
• A fair number of people are scared
silly of the vaccines/experimental therapies. (This is not a time for
• The federal government and a good
number of state and local governments are working overtime to
convince us that we need to get the vaccines/experimental therapies.
(Ironically, as I’m writing this, I’m getting text and email
notifications working to persuade me to get the treatment.)
• The attempts to manipulate/convince
the public are primarily based on either bribes or threats; they are
mostly not based on logic, research, or science.
• It’s pretty well documented that
the medical community has opportunity to make a lot of money from the
government for promoting the Covid “vaccine,” for treating Covid
symptoms, for reporting Covid deaths. (NB: It’s my policy to place
a lower value on the opinions of people who are being well paid to
have and to convince me those opinions.)
• A fair number of people are scared
silly of the government’s intentions. (This is not a time for
• The Bible is pretty clear: we don’t
actually have reason to be afraid, and in fact we are commanded to
not fear.
• A fair number of people are afraid
to trust God when our health, our life or our government is on the
line. (This is not a time for judging.)
OK. That’s the background. (Note that
I’m not interested in arguing about these points. If you feel that
urge to fuss about these, go somewhere else to do it.)
TESTIMONY. This is my own story; fair
warning: it might be long and rambling.
I’m a fairly strong, fairly healthy
adult male with a solid immune system. I’m not actually afraid of
the virus. I’ve walked with Jesus long enough to know that he’s
serious about his ability to take care of me, and I know that it’s true that
“whether I live or I die, I am the Lord’s.”
I’ve heard first hand reports from
medical professionals, from people who have taken the vaccine; I’ve
read the manufacturers’ statements about them (and their
disclaimers of any liability for their product).
Based on what I’ve read (and I’ve read the original CDC & other reports, not just the news reports about them), I don’t see any reason why I personally need to take the vaccine/experimental therapy that they’re so aggressively promoting. I don’t judge those who take it, but I am comfortable concluding that it’s not for me.
But there are people around me who are scared of the virus, some more than others, of course. Many of these are MY people, people I would die for, people who would die for me: people I love.
These people are scared for me, and they believe they have reason. They consider me higher risk for more than one reason, and the reports agree with them. Some of these people trust the vaccine/experimental therapy, and they want me to “protect myself” and take it. Some of them want me to take it as protection for themselves. (This is not a time for judging.)
So this put me in a tough place. I was confident that I didn’t need the vaccine/experimental therapy, and that in fact, I would be wise to avoid it.
But people who love me were paying a price for my choice. That wasn’t comfortable for me. There were people, people I love and whom I love to be around, that weren’t comfortable being around me. That’s not comfortable for me.
That’s been a hard place. And when I find myself in hard places like that, I try to remember to take these to my Father, so I brought this awkward, confusing, emotionally-charged mess that was in my heart to him. He listened quietly for a while (or at least I assumed he was listening, but he sure was quiet). I poured out my concerns and confusions to him. I wasn’t OK with this divided heart thing going on.
We spent a while here, days, maybe weeks, not minutes or hours. But eventually, his peace did what it does, and it settled my thoughts and emotions and drew my attention back to my Father’s goodness where it belongs.
And in that process, he drew my attention to Mark’s version of the Great Commission, and to one clause in particular: “If they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them.” He wasn’t giving me a direction in the midst of the options, he was just reminding me: “This is the way I am with you, Son.”
As I kept praying (I cannot tell you how many times I’ve stopped listening too early!), I felt his affirmation that I could trust him, I could trust this promise, whichever way I chose to go, but this was my choice to make; he wasn’t going to make my choices for me here.
I still believe that this virus isn’t a threat for me personally, and I still believe that I don’t need the experimental therapy that’s being promoted.
So I signed up to get the experimental therapy, confident that it will by no means hurt me. That was long enough ago that I had to work really hard to get it; it was really awkward, really uncomfortable, really irritating to jump through all the hoops. (The notifications I’m getting now announce that some places have it available for walk-ins.)
After several weeks, I made it to the front of the line and it was my turn. They had me sign a raft of papers (and were really confused when I insisted on reading what I was signing), and the nurse who gave me the injection confessed that he didn’t believe we needed “a ‘vaccine’ that is 95% effective against a disease with a 99+% survival rate.” We laughed about it together.
When it came time for the second injection, people crawled out of the woodwork to tell me their horror stories of how bad the second one was, and how dangerous it was, and how that’s where people got sick from the second one. Thanks folks!
So I reminded myself pretty aggressively of Father’s promise. “If they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them.” My version went this way: “If I am injected with anything deadly, it will by no means hurt me.” It was kind of hard work to agree with him instead of all the fear-driven testimonies.
The next morning, I woke up feeling “off,” and the doubts whispered into my ear: “See! I told you you’d get sick! Now it’s happened to you!”
So I had a conversation with my soul. “If I am injected with anything deadly, it will by no means hurt me.” I kind of had a shouting match inside my soul for a while, but eventually my soul gave in, the symptoms vanished, and I had a great day. That was a month or two ago, and I haven’t been sick for a day since.
I still shake my head (sometimes when my soul gets out of line) at how much this changes the hearts and the choices of some of the people I love, but then I remember, “I did this for you, because I love you.” I can’t generally tell them that, of course, because they think I was convinced of their opinions when I saw the error of my ways because of their insightful presentation of the media’s hysteria.
And I feel my Father’s comfortable pleasure with my choices here. It was my choice, your choice might be completely different. But this is how I dealt with it.
I hope my story is helpful to you.
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