tired the foolishness of all the “God is going to judge America !”
first, a warning: don’t read more into this than what I’m actually saying. This
may trigger some sensitive spots, it may be similar to words others have used
on their way to a different destination. If you’re going to react, react to
what I AM saying, not to what others have said.
Let’s start again.

the price has already been paid for their sin. If Jesus died for sin, then sin
is dealt with, at least for now. (I’m not saying Rev 20 doesn’t apply; I’m
saying it doesn’t apply NOW.)
God judges America for sin, then that means that either a) for some reason
Jesus missed somebody’s sins while paying for sin on the cross, or b) America
would be judged a second time for sins which have ALREADY been judged.
God were to judge America for sins that Jesus already judged, I think maybe he
would need to apologize to Jesus, because that would mean that Jesus suffered
and died without accomplishing what he died for. Personally, I don’t think
Jesus failed in his mission.
Father handed [past tense] all judgment to the Son (John 5:22), and Jesus
judges [present tense] no one (John 8:15). I repeat: this does not even talk
about the Revelation 20 judgment [which is future tense].
said that, I am NOT saying that there are not consequences for the sins in
question, and which can certainly LOOK like judgment. And I’m NOT saying that
some people don’t bring nasty things upon themselves and/or their communities
because they partner with demons. That looks like judgment too, but it’s not.
come to realize that the greatest danger from sin is not that it will separate
me from my Father – the Cross is proof that it won’t – but that it empowers my
enemy, it gives him permission to wreak his havoc in my life, my community, my
nation. That’s a good enough reason to repent, and isn’t the only one in
Scripture, but it’s not to avoid God’s judgment: it’s to avoid empowering the
bottom line: There were no sins – there were no American sins either – lying
around at the foot of the cross when Jesus was dying for sin. God is not
actually looking for reasons to smite you.
get our understanding of Father right, people.
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