He started out as the richest, most influential man in
the area. He was a godly man, and his godliness cam naturally; it wasn’t a performance.
Then disaster struck and took “everything he [had]” from
him. What a mess. You can’t help but feel sorry for the guy.
Job starts out whining and feeling sorry for himself. His
focus began as “Why God? Why me?”
Forty chapters later, Job still didn’t have the answers
to that question, but he stood in respect of God rather than in accusation of
God’s response to Job’s “Why?” questions was essentially,
“Son, this is above your pay grade.” I infer (and it is an inference; the Book
doesn’t say it outright) that essentially Job didn’t know enough for the real
answer to his “Why” question make any sense. I that’s true for me sometimes,
This morning, a couple of thoughts stick with me from
• I find myself wondering if it would be wiser to bypass
the self-pity and “accusing God” stage and just skip to the end: “I know that
you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted…. My ears had heard
of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore … I repent.”
Still chewing on that one. I’m not sure that’s actually a
real-world option when you’re actually in the thick of it. But it would have
saved Job so much pain had he been able to go there. Which leads me to the next

I have decided I don’t want to be one of that kind of
friend any more.