Conversation, even online conversation, is a useful tool for
discovering what’s in the heart, discovering what you’ve begun to believe that
you didn’t realize you believed. These are some of the best conversations in my
Recently, I’ve been conversing about audacious prayers,
“crazy prayers” with some good folks, and I realized some things that I have
begun to believe.
I’ve been burned badly by “crazy prayers,” my crazy prayers, that I’ve prayed
which were not actually on the heart of my Father. He graciously answered them anyway. It took the better part of a decade to recover from one of them. His grace,
his kindness during that season were overwhelming.

As a result, I’m all for “crazy prayers” that are in His
heart – whether they were in his heart to begin with and I just figured it out,
or whether they started in my heart, and he’s supporting my free will. But if I
don’t find them in Father’s heart, I’m pretty gun-shy about what I’m asking
for, what I’m speaking about.
I believe I’ve come to this: the more audacious the prayer,
the more I need to have confidence that it is in my Father’s heart before I
speak them out.
But if I hear these things from him, if I find even the most
audacious, the craziest prayers reflecting his heart, then yeah, let’s do this!
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