I found myself writing this down the other day. I wanted to
share it, in case it encourages someone:
The Bible does not
teach that Christ died “so that we can be saved.” He did not open the
possibility for me to do enough good works or do the right deeds so that I can
work my way in to heaven.
Rather, he took all the sin and all the judgment that was
due to you and to me, past, present & future, and rather than buying the possibility
of salvation, what he bought was salvation itself (the Bible calls it a “sure
salvation”) that he provided for us. He declared, “It is FINISHED.” As in
“There’s no more to do.” Done. Finis.
We (you and I, and everybody else) have the invitation,
since God honors the free will he invested in us, to receive that free gift of
salvation, or to reject it. It’s only a choice, and the choice is exercised by
faith: by believing God’s offer. (Ephesians says that even the faith is a gift
from God, not from my own works, specifically so that nobody can boast about it.)
So do you live now, today, in complete freedom from sin?
From guilt? From shame? It’s God’s intent that you do. He bought that complete
freedom for you!
Think of it this way: God has written me a check, in the
amount of “complete forgiveness” (it’s WAY more than that, but we’ll go a step
at a time), and he signed it. All I need to do is countersign the back (how? I
believe him, I change my thinking) and deposit the check in my bank account.
The Bible is very specific that my works are not only USELESS for the purpose of acquiring
salvation – of acquiring ANYthing from God, actually – in fact they actually
get in the way, because if I rely on my works, then I do not and cannot rely on
His works. It is His works, His finished works, are what accomplishes salvation
and healing and grace and power and a clean conscience, and, and, and!
But let’s go back to that check for a moment: that’s not
just for my debt to sin, that’s the full resources of Heaven payable to me, a
son of the King of heaven, the heir (says Hebrews) of the riches of heaven: by
depositing that check, I’m suddenly much wealthier than Steve Bezos, Warren
Buffet, and Carlos Slim combined.
And of course, as that sinks in, I’m likely to live a
different kind of life than I used to. As I understand my limitless wealth, as
I understand how loved and accepted I am, I’m likely to change, to become
generous, both in my resources, and in my care and affection. In other words,
my actions, my “works” will reflect who I am.
THIS is the place for “good works.”
If I love on people in order to earn something from God,
then I have rejected God’s free gift to me: I’ve essentially spat in his face
and said, “I’ll do this on my own, thank you very much!” And of course, doing
things on my own is not really in the same league as what He can do.
But when I am full of his love, fully accepted by my omnipotent
Daddy, then I become generous and loving and giving like He is. Curiously, this
often looks the same as the “good works” that I might consider by way of
rejecting His gift; but the difference in my heart, in my motive, makes all the
difference in the world (literally!).
It’s one thing to give someone gifts in an attempt to force
them to love us and accept us. It’s quite another to bring the same gifts
because we love them, and because we’re confident in their love for us. We call
the first one a “stalker” and we call the police and we get a restraining
order; the second is joyfully and gratefully received, and the already-strong
relationship is further strengthened.
This is such a big deal that the apostle Paul wrote
(Galatians 1): if anybody tries to teach you that you need to do ANYthing in
order to be forgiven, to be loved, to become an heir in God’s family (which he
describes as “pervert[ing] the gospel of Christ.”), then he says, “Let them be
accursed!” If that weren’t enough, he takes it a step further: “But even if we,
or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have
preached to you, let him be accursed.”
“Accursed” is a pretty strong word.
Some time ago, I was meditating on Hebrews 4:16 (“Let us
therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need.”) and talking with God about it, when Holy
Spirit interrupted me. I could hear the tears in his voice, as he said, “You
know, the priesthood wasn’t my idea in the first place.” And he explained
Exodus 20:19 to me while he wept. (See http://bit.ly/TheOTHERbenefit)
This is the kind of relationship with God that it’s possible
to have. This is God’s idea of what relationship between God and man is
supposed to be like. This isn’t what I was taught in Sunday School, this is
what I’ve learned from God and his word.
It may not be what you grew up with either. But if you’re up
for this kind of a personal, face-to-face relationship with God, you might want
to tell him so. ;) I’m very sure you’ll start a beautiful adventure together!
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