This may be more of a “prophetic observation” than a prophetic
I’m observing that God is putting a substantial emphasis on
healing his kids right now. It’s not like he ever walks away from this topic,
but it seems to be near the top of his “to do” list now.

There have been other seasons where a priority was placed on
understanding new revelation, or on learning to hear his voice, or bringing the
good news to those who haven’t heard it. And he’s not forgotten those: that’s
what we’re all about: knowing our Father and making him known!
If I may extend this a bit: it’s my opinion that we’re
entering – rather rapidly – into a new season where it will be “All hands on
deck!” as “Life as usual” and “Church as usual” completely lose the “as usual”
And if we’re going to be ready to partner with what he’s
revving up to be doing, then we really need our souls strong and healthy.
Honestly, the likely alternative is to be content to be one of the “last move
of God” that persecutes “the next move of God.”
I feel a particular need to urge folks that have been
putting off dealing with issues of the soul: it’s time to quit ignoring the
issue and take specific steps to get healed up.
As a first step, I encourage you to get alone with God and
ask two questions:
1) Father, how do YOU see me? (Hint: if the answer isn’t about love, then it isn’t God speaking!)
1) Father, how do YOU see me? (Hint: if the answer isn’t about love, then it isn’t God speaking!)
2) Father, what is getting in the way of my fully
experiencing that? (Hint: it’s most likely about some lies you’ve believed,
either about you or about God.)
It is really appropriate to get help with these. Where?
Cheat: Ask God to bring you help. But don’t run when they come to you, asking
pointed questions about your inner self.
It’s no longer cool to walk with a limp.
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In deed.... it is now time for the soul healing of the church ....then body healing follows...also love is released when the soul is healed...the church would injure the new babes in Christ until healing is manifested. ..reach of the lost will transpire when church is healed and love is released to flow
Wow, just when I am getting ready to crawl back in my hole, prepared to take my last stand and call it all good, I read this. Ok already, let's keep moving. Thank you.
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